Hallo, Steffen Juul hat gesagt: // Steffen Juul wrote:
Kyle wants to, correct me if i'm wrong, translate
[0, 1 1000, 0.5 1000 1000, 0 2000 2000( | [vline~]
[0, 1 1000, 0.5 1000, 0 2000( | [nothirdVline~]
That is have the object do the delay bookkeeping.
Which however would prohibit things like "sustain" in an adsr-like envelope:
[0, 1 10, 0.5 10 10, 0 300 200(
This goes to 1 in 10msec, to 0.5 in 10 msec after that, but to 0 over 300 msec *after* 200 msec (measured from the envelope's start).
With an auto-delay line object you'd need to write this:
[0, 1 10, 0.5 10, 0.5 190, 0 300(
One message more instead and not necessarily easier than the current version.
Or maybe this would to instead:
[0, 1 1000, 0.5 1000, 0 2000( | [vlineBookkeeper] | [vline~]
Yep, one could do a [vlineBookkeeper] like that which automatically adds up delay times, if needed.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__