with hcs/sys_gui I don't have any problem to launch shell command lines on all platforms, that's probably because hcs/sys_gui uses the GUI interpreter, and if it doesn't work, pd itself wouldn't work either.
Obviously, the command response won't come out from hcs/sys_gui outlet but can be sent to a receive object by using the tcl command pdsend like this:
[pdsend "myreceiveobject hello world"(--[sys_gui]
Le 5 janv. 2024 à 10:24, Lucas Cordiviola lucarda27@hotmail.com a écrit :
On 04/01/2024 21:31, mick mengucci wrote:
I must be missing something. I can migrate the project to Linux but as I work with schools and they are dominated by windowz it would be really cool to solve this and be able to trigger other programs from inside Pd, using the cmd proimpt window. Or are there other ways to do that?
[motex/system] does not communicate back to Pd (or the Pd console). To pop up a cmd window you must do:
[start cmd /k echo Hello %username%!( | [system]
[start cmd /k ipconfig/all( | [system]
[start notepad( | [system]
see https://ss64.com/nt/cmd.html and experiment.
PS: on Windows there is no such thing that communicates back to Pd as [command].
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