Alexandre Porres wrote:
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Claude Heiland-Allen <> wrote:
[phasor~] [r~ shape] [expr~ if($v1<$v2,$v1/$v2,(1-$v1)/(1-$v2))]
I tried that, but it didnt actually worked, I just get actual sawtooths, and no real triangles.
Sorry for the shortness/lack of explanation, 0<shape<1, where 1 for phasor, 0.5 for triangle, 0 for backwards phasor.
considering shape as a constant, obviously you get weird results if you modulate it, but that's half the fun:
0.0 <= input <= shape ~> 0.0 <= output <= 1.0 (rising ramp) shape <= input <= 1.0 ~> 1.0 >= output >= 0.0 (falling ramp)
Hope this helps,