Hi Enkidu,
I do now have, what I believe to be a compiled version. Anyhow it seems, there are now 2 more folders called release-multi & single. So what do I do with it. Do I have to copy them anywhere? Sorry for being so dumb about all of this - I'm just learning about real (=linux) computers.
in case of MSD you should only have release-single folders in each of the msd/msd2D/msd3D folders, where msd.dll,msd2D.dll, msd3D.dll (in case of Windows) or msd.pd_linux,msd2D.pd_linux,msd3D.pd_linux (in case of linux) files or contained. Copy these files to the "extra" subfolder of your PD installation. You should then be able to load the msd help patches without errors.
best greetings, Thomas