Again, I would suggest looking at [demux~]. It does exactly what you describe--switching one input between several different output channels depending on a control number. It does not interpolate, however, so you will get clicks in a continuous signal (which is why volume control becomes important]. I've been told that [matrix~] uses interpolation for click-free switching, but I've been too lazy so far to sit down and figure out how it works.
Something could also be constructed with send~/receive~ pairs, although in the case you describe throw~/catch~ is more appropriate because you can have many [throw~ "name"] objects going to one [catch~ "name"]. With send~/receive~ it is the opposite: one [send~ "name"] objects for many [receive~ "name"] objects. If you were to apply crossfading between the various [throw~] objects, you wouldn't need discreet attacks. But your original question referred to ways other than changing volume, so I think you should have the answer now.
Oded Ben-Tal wrote:
I see that I didn't explain what I was looking for: One way of looking at it is a kind of [route~] i.e. sending signal to different output channels according to a control mechanism. A silly example can be taking an input sound modifying it and than rotating it to different channels (suppose the input consists of descrete attacks than I can send each note to different channel more or less). I hope it is a little clearer.