thanks Jack for that, I've already seen this solution on the list, but I need to know when the pd subprocess ends and with a '&' i get a '0' on [shell] rightmost outlet when 'echo pid $1' command ends and not when pd ends moreover when killing Pd the external's destroy() method isn't called and this could block some hardware (like cameras...)
but maybe I was not clear enough since I have several questions in one thread... the problem was to exit all shell subprocess when quitting pd
I solved it thanks to Cyrille by adding a watchdog the main pd send a "ping" each 100ms to all children, if there is no "ping" during 1 second, the child kill itself so the main pd can quit safely
king regards
-- do it yourself http://antoine.villeret.free.fr
2013/5/28 Jack jack@rybn.org
Le 28/05/2013 20:14, Antoine Villeret a écrit :
I'm calling a new instance of Pd inside a Pd patch with [shell] but I notice I can't quit the main pd instance if a process is still running inside the [shell]
the GUI hangs until the process ends (until I quit Pd) since the child pd is running without gui,
- is it possible to exit a running process via [shell] ?
for example how could I send a ^c (ctrl+c) command ?
moreover, how to trig it when I press ctrl+Q or menu quit ?
the [noquit] abstraction gives me a tcl error : "can't rename
menu_quit command doesn't exists"
I'm running pd vanilla 0.44-2
thanks for help
-- do it yourself http://antoine.villeret.free.fr
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Hello Antoine,
With the message [pd & echo $!( to [shell], you should get the PID of the subprocess. A [kill number_PID( to [shell] should kill this subprocess. ++
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