it has nothing to do with apparences, you are using puredata and making money, but it's not really a job, like web developper, or teacher, or sound engineer, ... I'm using a Fender Stratocaster and making money as well, it's a good guitar, but no one use to say:
" man, the fender stratocaster is a professional guitar"
I do gain more money actually with PureData by using it for some installations, but I could use any other tool, if i'd be a good developper I'd make my own tool with c code for example, or python, is C a professional tool? is python a professional tool? No they are languages, why PureData isn't just considered as a language?
----- "João Pais" a écrit :
I've performed and gave workshops using Pd, for which I was paid. I also
use pd to make patches to generate materials for my pieces (which, rarely,
are paid as well). Is that professional enough to join the professional
club?Or does it turn professional only if we pay someone to design a corporate
identity, with a nice logo and a website, and a foto of the developerswearing suits?
People pay me to make projects, its my main profession, and I use
But I guess that's not enough to make something "professional". ;)