Hi, I'm pretty new to pd and i'm just trying to sync pd to an external midi clock. i read about midirealtimein and midiclkin:
[midiclkin]: doesn't seem to work under osx [midirealtimein]: i only get a lot of zeros
so, i send the zeros to a [bang] object to time a counter - instead of the [metro]. now, the counter went pretty fast! Then i tried [div 3] to slow the counter down. now it seems to be pretty much in time - but twice the speed of the midiclock.
Can anyone tell my what kind of messages i receive with [midirealtimein] - i read about, that i should get FF an F8 messages, but only got zeros at the outlet? and if anybody also has tried my way? Or if their are other ways to use external midiclock?
thanx urs