On 2017-08-21 10:04, Peter P. wrote:
[...] trying it all out and not having some reference to how .pdsettings works when editing by hand (as -noautopatch, thanks god, is not settable by GUI).
the .pdsettings has a small set of keys; you can see *all* keys¹ if you save the settings once and then inspect the .pdsettings file. esp, the keys in .pdsettings DO NOT relate to the cmdline arguments.
so given the existence of a "-foobar" cmdline flag, does not imply the existence of a "foobar" key in .pdsettings.
you can set an arbitrary cmdling flag in the .pdsettings by adding it to the "flags" section (either via the GUI (preferred) or by editing the .pdsettings.
so in your case, you should have something like the following in your .pdsettings: flags: -noautopath
fgmasdr IOhannes
¹ bar the running index in the loadlib/path