On Sun, 2005-03-20 at 22:37, gÃŒnter geiger wrote:
ALSA support is being worked on, someone announced working on TCL/TK .bbs (.bb being the package description ("recipe") format used for OE) on the OE list, too.
Thats good to know, I am distributing my own tcl/tk ipk, but they are a bit lacking (especially the font support, which I had to hack in order to keep the X server alive). I would be happy if someone would come up with better packages and I can remove those.
Well, actually I don't know what the status of the tcl/tk stuff is. So far it's just a mailing list posting:
If anyone is interested in writing .bbs for PD, PDa or other audio/MIDI apps (so that they will be part of future familiar and OpenZaurus releases) I'll be happy to assist with that.
That would be great, I have the .bb files already. What does it need to contribute ?
Best send patches (or just the plain files for new packages) to the OE list (oe@handhelds.org). Usually someone (in this particular case probably me) will have a look at them, provide feedback as to what needs to be done before they can go in, and finally check them in.
After several sane patches/package submissions contributors are usually offered bk write access.
And we would have to wait for tcl/tk, right ?
As PDa depends on tcl/tk, probably yes.
Will this happen soon ?
I'm afraid I don't know.
You want my packages as a start ?
Sure. Whatever that other person comes up with can be merged later.
Unfortunately there is no comprehensive documentation available for OpenEmbedded yet. There are however the bitbake manual and the OE wiki.
I figured it out by looking at other packages, don't know if I did it the right way :)
Excellent! Usually people don't like the "there are about 2000 examples in the tree" argument ;)