Hi !
I use PD under Win 7.
I can't understand why a lot of objects (very interesting once) that are mentioned in reference here:
Do not exist in fact in PD-extended (version 0.42.5 i use)... Or maybe smthng wrong with initialising libraris.. (anyway i searched help-examples too)
I'd like to stress that this manual is officially recommended for beginners on puredata.info .
So as a beginner i'm really embarresed...
In Processing for example or in MAx everything what is mantioned in manuals - is working in the soft.
So where should i look for the objects listed below ? It's what i was looking.. I guess there are more of them lost..
pitchnoise~ Harmonic/inharmonic monophonic timbre separator
presidency~ a spectral sampler with pitch control
pvgrain~ a spectrum analyzer for granular resynthesis pvharm~ a harmonizer
pvoc~ an additive synthesis phase vocoder
pvtuner~ a spectrum quantizer for tuning to arbitrary scales
pvwarp~ a non-linear frequency warper reanimator~ an audio texture mapper
resent~ similar to residency~ but with independent bin control
residency~ a spectral sampler useful for time scaling
scrape~ a noise reduction (or increase) object with frequency control
shapee~ a frequency shaping object
swinger~ a phase swapping object
taint~ a cross synthesis object
vacancy~ a spectral compositing object
xsyn~ a cross synthesis with compression object
pvcompand~ a spectral compressor/expander object
quantize~ flatspace zexy quantize a signal with a variable step-number
mov_avrg_kern~ flatspace iemlib moving average filter kernel
mypol2rec~ fft stuff, needed as abstraction for some other