To keep maintenance to cyclone reasonable, I try to limit it to the functionality of Max 5. The documentation for Max 5 is conveniently online and I have a installation available for comparison. So Max 7 functionality is out of scope for me.
Oh, so you do have Max 5 to test it. Can you see if it works, or if it has a problem like Max 6 and 7?
I can check the differences between the objects in Max 5 and Max 6/7. It may be boring and tiring work, but it could be good to see the differences from current Max distribution. My guess is that most objects will behave exactly the same. Maybe just cycle~ and a couple of others may have something different. Then we could see what would it take to make the objects compatible to the current Max 7 distribution.
One other thing I'd like to talk to you about is the help file of cycle, but I'll do this on another message.