Should be fairly easy to write a tcl program that sends the programs output line by line to PD via local socket.
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 10:06 PM, Marc Lavallée wrote:
There's also the pipeio~ object from the ext13 extensions: I looked at the source code; the pipewrite~ object actually writes a wav file to a pipe, but the piperead~ object reads data from a pipe without checking if it's a wav stream. So you might be in luck with piperead~.
Or you can use the shell object from the ggee extensions: I think version 0.24 should work. -- Marc
Le jeu 13/03/2003 à 20:44, James Fung a écrit :
I'm wondering if someone would have ideas on how to read data in from stdin, or a /dev/ file or a fifo in pure-data. I've got another program producing data (basically a stream of numbers) and i'd like it to set variables in purdata (e.g. to set the freq. of the osc~). I've tried piperead~ but it seems to want to take .wav data instead.
Is there a way in pure-data to do this?
Thanks for any help - it is appreciated.
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