On 31/10/11 17:37, Sebastian Hanusa wrote:
Dear List!
I have a problem, where hope the solution is so easy as it is complicated for me to find a solution:
When I am loading a soundfile (about one 30 seconds, stereo, .aif, 16bit/44100Hz) to an array and simultaneously I have a quite simple audio prozess like replaying a second soundfile with [readsf] + for example a delay and a bandbass I get in the moment of loading to the array a dropout of the audio stream.
I tryed to switch off the patch within the array for the moment of loading - but I get the same result.
Is there a way to avoid this dropout?
If you need the sample "instantly now", then probably not (you could try increasing the pd buffer size which adds latency, but that's no guarantee).
But, if you need it "quite soon but I can wait a little" see also:
and similar mailing list archive threads.
I am working with pd_extended 0.42.5 on a MacBook 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.5.8
Thanks a lot for any help and with best regards,