Le 13 Janvier 2005 17:42, rensinghoff a écrit :
Well, what you are looking for is someting like The Spat for Max, right?
"France Telecom" is mentionned on the page about The Spat: http://forumnet.ircam.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=104 Maybe some patents are involved...
I havent heard of anything similar for PD, but i would be very interested if someone is going to build it, which i think should not be a big problem
VBAP seems like a good (and free) alternative: http://www.acoustics.hut.fi/research/abstracts/vbap.html It has a BSD style license.
Also, there's a couple of (free as in beer) VST plugins for spatialization: http://acousmodules.free.fr/ The web site is down, but descriptions can be found here: http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php?mode=results&st=adv&soft=e&type%... I wonder if those VST plugins would work with "vst~"...