Something prevented me from using glut in the past I do not remember what it was.
GLUT absolutely wants to run an infinite loop, otherwise it will not give you any events. Therefore you can't run it in the same thread as pd's event loop.
That must have been what kept me from using it as well.
I tried breaking out of the event loop using setjmp/longjmp, just to make sure all implementations would support that hack, because I didn't want to use threads. The hack only worked on Linux, so I decided not to work with GLUT.
I have dug through my archives and found some programs that might be of interest to you as a reference for ms style handling of memory and registers with cpp and asm. That should get your mindframe going in the right direction haha! It's all 16 bit code though so of no use now besides a reference but the function pointers and interrupt pointers should still be the same I'll have to do some studying now.
Allthough with windows XP this worked
Here's you something to make the dos shell look more like an old linux terminal haha!
And here is my 3d fractal. It is not correct it is using this for the orbits which is pretty and more like what I would imagine a 3d fractal looking like instead of a hypercomplex, quaternion, mandelcube or bulb..
newx = ((x * x) - (y * y) - (z *z)) +k; newy = ((y *x) + (x *y)) +l; newz = ((z * x) + (x * z)) +m;
This is what I need to know how to do for the fractal for correct math but noone seems o know how to do complex numbers in 3d. Maybe someone on the list can shed me some light on the subject.
/* a: [x1,y1,z1] b: [x2,y2,z2]
a*b=(y1 * z2 - z1 * y2)i + (x1 * z2 - z1 * x2)j + (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2)k
*/ here's the link to the code. the exe runs on vista and xp. contains documentation sucha as keycommands. It is awesome to view a transparent 3d fractal rotating and colorcycling. I would love to do this with GEM. Any tips on achieving that would be wonderful.
I do not know about GEM and another opengl app coexisting though.
Some months ago, I was told on pd-list that [gemwin] and [pdp_glx] can't coexist.
That is no good I will have to do what I need in an external for PD but am still looking into netsend and netreceive. I did find a library that works to connect but am studying cross browser DOM to get my code to send messages. It's not the same as it used to be.Hopefully I can write my own socket thing in JAVA to have a browser interface to pd. This is still not good for files and saving presets so a JAVA file server will have to be written as well. I was able from a cmd prompt and an MSYS shell to both pdsend and pdreceive. pretty cool another option for external application interface.
If you have any pixel structures that don't fit in GEM, there is GridFlow. Supports up to 15 dimensions (though there's hardly ever a need for more than 5).
| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC
I will look into it. see above link for opengl program I'm trying to implement.
A comedy cartoon I done that has a mention of 5 dimensions.
Come on E16 haha!
Thanks for the response it it has triggered some sparks. Now I must get to studying and patching. I wonder if my drum machine will ever be finished now.