On Jun 17, 2007, at 1:07 AM, Patco wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
Submit a patch to pkgIndex.tcl and the files that you need to put
in lib/tk8.4. Or maybe make a wiki page about it on
puredata.org. Putting a patch in the patch tracker is the best
way to insure this gets included.I've never made a patch so it has not been easy to proceed, after
some research about how to make a patch for the 'Patch tracker',
I've added CVROOT to user variable environment set it to: :pserver:anonymous@pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data and tried: ~/pd/lib/tk8.4> cvs diff -up pkgIndex.tcl > pkgindex.tcl.patch for building the patch but the file is not in cvs repository, not
even the pd/lib dir is there in fact. Adding a wiki page to puredata.info would have been another
solution, but I do not have sufficient privileges to make one.
You don't need to use cvs to make a patch. You can just use diff.
Keep an old copy of the file, then make your edits, then run this:
diff -uw tclIndex.tcl.old tclIndex.tcl > tclIndex.tcl_for_ix_guis.patch
Then just add tclIndex.tcl_for_ix_guis.patch to the patch tracker
will all relevant info, like what you've been posting on the list.
The pkgIndex.tcl is attached The win32 dll too. Patko.
proc LoadBLT { version dir } {
set prefix "" set suffix [info sharedlibextension] regsub {\.} $version {} version_no_dots # Determine whether to load the full BLT library or # the "lite" tcl-only version. if { [info commands tk] == "tk" } { set name ${prefix}BLT${version_no_dots}${suffix} } else { set name ${prefix}BLTlite${version_no_dots}${suffix} } global tcl_platform
set library [file join $dir $name] load $library BLT }
set version "2.4"
package ifneeded BLT $version [list LoadBLT $version $dir] # End of package index file
package ifneeded snack 2.2 "[list load [file join $dir
libsnack.dll]];[list source [file join $dir snack.tcl]]"package ifneeded sound 2.2 [list load [file join $dir libsound.dll]]
package ifneeded snacksphere 1.2 [list load [file join $dir
libsnacksphere.dll]]package ifneeded snackogg 1.3 [list load [file join $dir
libsnackogg.dll]]package ifneeded Tkzinc 3.3.2 [list load [file join $dir
Tkzinc332.dll]] package ifneeded zincText 1.0 [list source [file join $dir
zincText.tcl]] package ifneeded zincLogo 1.0 [list source [file join $dir
zincLogo.tcl]] package ifneeded zincGraphics 1.0 [list source [file join $dir
zincGraphics.tcl]]if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.2}]} return package ifneeded Tktable 2.7 "package require Tk 8.2; [list load
[file join $dir Tktable.dll] Tktable]"if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.4}]} return set script "" if {![info exists ::env(TREECTRL_LIBRARY)] && [file exists [file join $dir treectrl.tcl]]} { append script "set ::treectrl_library "$dir"\n" } append tree "load "[file join $dir treectrl21.dll]" treectrl" package ifneeded treectrl 2.1 $tree
if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.4}]} return set script ""
append script "load "[file join $dir libtkdnd10.dll]" tkdnd" package ifneeded tkdnd 1.0 $script
if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.4}]} return set script ""
append script "load "[file join $dir tkpathgdi01.dll]" tkpath" package ifneeded tkpath 0.1 $script
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return} if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5] || [package vsatisfies [info patchlevel] 8.4.6]} { package ifneeded tile 0.7.2
"namespace eval tile {variable library "$dir"};
load "[file join $dir tile072t.dll]"" }if {[catch {package require Tcl 8.2}]} return package ifneeded Tktable 2.7 "package require Tk 8.2; [list load
[file join $dir Tktable.dll] Tktable]"if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return} if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5] || [package vsatisfies [info patchlevel] 8.4.6]} { package ifneeded tile 0.7.2
"namespace eval tile {variable library "$dir"};
load "[file join $dir tile072t.dll]""[The attachment pd-packages-nt-tk8.4.rar has been manually removed]
The arc of history bends towards justice. - Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.