Leaving apart pix_write(r) bugs, leaving even apart pix_write(r) itself, given that your patch does show an image (with the camera stream), I can't understand why the attached patch does not work. I can't find one difference between this and yours.
Note that it is actually drawing a black rectangle. If I disconnect and bypass the framebuffer object and turn off the gemhead on the right, I can see the camera image, so when I connect the framebuffer I expect that image to be "captured" by the grmframebuffer; but then I don't understand why a black image, instead of the rendered image, is sent to the texture.
I have even tried to put a [separator] between the gemframebuffer and the pix_video, even if I don't think it should be necessary nor make any difference, just to make the patch more identical to yours, but it makes no difference.
I don't really see the difference between this patch and yours (a part obviously here there's no snapshot nor pix_write, but) the part that renders the camera input into a gembuffers and then shows it into a rectangle should be identical!!!!!!!!
Can you help me find the error? I'm stuck
(I tried with small negative translations in the Z axis as in your patch, which shouldn't be relevant, and no differnce)
thanks m.