Ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu are all the same distro with just a different flavor for the window manager system (X).
On May 7, 2011 9:34 AM, "IOhannes m zmölnig" zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
On 05/06/2011 08:45 PM, Fernando Gadea wrote:
Hi list! If I move any slider in my controller to raise the volume of any channel, it works perfectly well, but if I move the master level the latency starts to get crazy and the resulting values come really slowly,
Pd is designed to have a constant latency.
so Pd's (and the system's) latency will never when moving a slider (well, unless you control a delay with the slider or do some other explicit latency fuddling, but that's a different story)
or maybe you are referring to GUI latency? e.g the slider starts to visually respond very slowly (it seems like in CM-talk, "latency" mostly refers to audio latency). without having looked at your patch, a good chance is that you have created some control feedback.
fgmasdrt IOhannes -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
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