hey there. forgive me a bit as I acclimate (long time MaxMSP user
working in Pd).
In Max (Jitter) I've built a lot around jit.peek~
Often this involves reading a one plane matrix at points specified by
two signal inputs. The matrix is a still image or video. One input
signal species which row, the other input signal specifies which
column and out comes an appropriate signal value.
I see that in GEM there are pix_pix2sigs~ and pix_sig2pix~ which on
first glance look promising.
specifically looking at sonification (not visualization or
simultaneous audio-visual synthesis)?
beyond the help files?
(i. e. the array contents update based on which column of an image is
Thanks! and all best, shawn
http://shawngreenlee.com seg@02909.com