Hi Ingo,
On 16/09/11 13:02, Ingo wrote:
When I started I thought it was very convenient to use wireless [send/receive] objects to send midi data to the sample-voices (which it is).
Sending 3,000 messages to 8,000 [receive] objects adds up to 24 million times per second that the individual [receive] objects had to check whether the message was meant to be for them or not.
The second fix was to replace the wireless sends with hard wired patch chords.
Faced with this scenario I would probably have tried dynamic sends, so the data determines which receive gets the message.
For example:
... | [pack f f f f f f] | [ ; r-$1-$2-$3 $4 $5 $6 (
[r r-1-4-7] | [unpack f f f] | ...
[r r-27-63-49] | [unpack f f f] | ....
And using nested abstractions you could create the receives based on $args, and if you need lots of voices you could use dynamic patching to instantiate them.