Le 2011-11-06 à 08:38:00, Samuel Burt a écrit :
I installed a new version of gridflow. I'm happy to say it is so much easier to do than it used to be.
I don't know which old version you are referring to.
Gridflow is giving me this message: error: method 'endian' not found for inlet 0 in class '#io.grid' When I search for the error, Pd goes here: It highlights the receiving of $0-placeholder. Any idea why?
GridFlow reports the error as coming from [#io.grid], which is a plugin for the [#in] (and [#out]) abstractions. The $0-placeholder subpatch holds whichever object is created when you send «open», to handle your file or device, and when you send «close», it replaces it by a dummy object that just prints «not open».
It isn't giving me the number of samples, yet. It just prints the error and outputs 0.
I said that the support for «endian» was added (back) a few days ago. Therefore, it is not in packages. The latest published packages were made in february.
The patch contains two versions of the same thing, and the bigger of the two is the workaround for when «endian» is not supported yet.
I don't know how you can get 0. When I got the error message, I also got a very wrong value that wasn't 0. Do you really get 0, or no value ? use [print]. All the messages in the messagebox is important, and part of their order is important (open first, then configure the reader, then use bang to read, then close).
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC