After some listsearch I think I should do it like: hdsploader, hdspmixer, jack, pd. Does anybody know, if this will work?
this should work (at least this is the order we are doing by hand)
this also the order in which my card works.
however, after unplugging the hdsp card from electricity, I always have to boot my computer twice. first time I boot and do all the junk, the hdsp card looks like it is working, but no sound. on the second boot, everything works fine. note: I only need to do this when I unplug the hdsp card. if the hdsp is plugged into electricity between boots, then I can carry on without booting twice.
has someone experience with more sophisticated autostart mechanisms, like, which programs need run as a minimum, how to run hdspmixer from a shell (I would like to run pd in -nogui mode), how to safely unmount the
no chance to run hdspmixer from a shell at all. but somehow it should be possible to achieve the same via alsactl...
sure you can run hdspmixer.
make an ".xinitrc" file in your home directory. in it put something like:
hdspmixer &
you can also safely put other stuff in there if you like:
jackd -d alsa &
pd -jack mypathc.pd &
but you might be better off doing this in some other star script and killing X after you know hdspmixer has been run. you only need to run hdspmixer once - this initializes the card somehow.
to login to X automagically
use mingetty on tty1 with the option --autologin you set that in /etc/inittab
mine says this: 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
change it to something like this: 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --autologin myusername tty1
where "myusername" is the name you want to log into.
then in .bash_profile under "myusername", you'll want somthing to automatically startx, like this:
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]; then startx fi
additionally, you can add a cron job to turn off the machine at a certain time.....and set the bios for the machine to turn on at a certain time
as you can see, I am doing exactly the same thing as you are. :)
alles gute -gustl.