On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 3:57 AM, Claude Heiland-Allen claudiusmaximus@goto10.org wrote:
Probably, if we come up with anything in the way of top-down design, we should be able to apply the same framework to different platforms and make comparisons.
My initial thoughts on top down design, having read only the OpenCL intro slides and not written any code:
It will be difficult to get a "OpenCL API as Pd objects" approach to be efficient, there are too many timing/asynchrony issues as far as I can tell so far. It would also be undesireable to have to expect all users to know how OpenCL works in detail, as it's quite tricky...
It is tricky. I favor an incremental approach, and maybe look at timing issues as optimizations. I think an open platform OpenCL library would make a CUDA lib obsolete, but CUDA seems simpler at the moment. So, I can say with some confidence what it does and how. Once its finished for CUDA,
With CUDA, your GPU operations are non-blocking, but you can call syncthreads and wait until they finish, and your users don't even have to know they were non-blocking. Even without any optimizations, CUDA/OpenCL will be useful for speeding up single operations on very large block sizes and can be written to require no special knowledge of what's going on.
There's one approach where we implement only the functions needed for a lot of speedup, fft~ *~ for example. Here we can get the benefit of using higher overlap factors and larger block sizes in patches without audio dropouts. It's transparent, simple, and minimal effort.
An alternative idea is to have an [opencl~] object that sits in a subpatch like [switch~] or [block~] does, that analyses the DSP sub-graph for that subpatch and "lifts" the whole dsp part of the subpatch to the GPU. Probably it would require some magic to get [+~] etc to work directly, so maybe a compromise would be [cl/+~] etc, then the [opencl~] object would "compile" these objects into a kernel at "; pd dsp 1" time. Then [inlet~] and [outlet~] would do the transfer to/from GPU (if the containing patch isn't on GPU, otherwise it would just pass a pointer to GPU memory...).
And if [import] or whatever works to a sufficient extent(*), it should be possible to go back to using [+~] and [import cl], with a backend switchable so you could [import simd] instead to use regular SIMD-optimized dsp objects, or [import vanilla] to use the normal unoptimized Pd objects, etc...
The first idea is simpler to implement but is horrible for users, the second idea is simpler for users but requires horrible knowledge of Pd internals to implement. The goal of libraries is to make life better for library users, I think - so that makes the second idea more attractive.
(*) by which I mean [import] or other similar object works on a subpatch basis, or at least on a .pd file basis, so abstractions can have different libraries to their containing patches if they desire without clobbering anything globally, and imported objects can override global objects with the same name, etc...
I like where this is going. [cl/inlet~] and [cl/outlet~] would be the points where data is explicitly transferred to/from the GPU. Without [import cl] they default to vanilla inlets, and when [import cl] works, they act just like a regular inlet except performing the transfer.
btw, the reason why caching-on-gpu is an important feature is that each transfer has latency and is slow compared to GPU memory speed. High end GPUs can have more than 50GB/s memory bandwidth, but over PCIex16 you will only see about 3GB/s. Scheduling on GPU is pretty fast, so the interruption between calls can be made short as long as there's no data transfer.
Wrapping up [cl/] functionality to work in just the way you described is great, because it would allow a good framework for optimizations between objects. There's all kinds of scenarios for misuse, but it should be simple enough for users to learn.
To begin with, I'm writing externals with explicit prefixes, like cuda_query~, cuda_copy~. Then, drop the prefixes and test the next part.