2012/4/24 Joson Android joson.android@googlemail.com:
Hallo András
thank you for you fast answers and hints. For clubs I would prefer some experimental music or art performance -stuff (like Pd..), or traditional hungarian music. For pubs i would prefer cheap beer and/or traditional hungarian food. First I look for a nice place to watch the soccer match BayernMünchen vs RealMadrid for my travel group..
thanks again,
Well, it is a bit unfortunate moment because a rather big and interesting festival will be held this weekend but not exactly in Budapest (but Komárom): http://www.facebook.com/events/311146218954781/ they'll have folk music and jazz and cinema and everything one might need. My choice for tomorrow night: http://www.facebook.com/events/260908464006182/ not really folk though :) Quite serious Industrial festival this weekend: http://www.facebook.com/events/334356253241114/ Then Trafó is a place famous for excellent contemporary dance: http://trafo.hu/hu-HU/programs Sorry, no performances or experimental stuff that I know of. No folk music either. Avoid cheap beer, they are often bad. Local food is all around, and rarely bad. Try pörkölt, gulyás, túrós csusza, harcsa- (catfish) or csirke- (chicken) paprikás, eventually libamáj (goose liver). As for BayernMünchen vs RealMadrid... i cannot help you :) but I'm sure you'll find lots of places with big screen tv.