Also, you'll probably see a menu called "Apple" on the menubar, that was a bug previously that probably has not been fixed. Or maybe two "Help" menus.
Yes. "Apple". its there....
Try running it like this: -stderr -d 3
And that will tell us a lot more.
terminal output below after new canvas,making a broken [metro], a blank object, a blank message, a symbol, a numberbox and a comment (what else should i do?):
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server socket jack server is not running or cannot be started set pd_whichmidiapi 4 set ::tmp_path {} set ::sys_searchpath $::tmp_path set ::tmp_path {} lappend ::tmp_path {/Users/megrimm/Library/Pd} lappend ::tmp_path {/Library/Pd} lappend ::tmp_path {/Users/megrimm/Desktop/PD/zext/source/Pd-0.43.1-extended/packages/darwin_app/build/} set ::sys_staticpath $::tmp_path set ::startup_flags {} set ::startup_libraries {} pdtk_pd_startup 0 43 1 {extended-20111024} { {portaudio 4} {jack 5} } {} {Monaco} normal Pt_Start() called set pd_whichmidiapi 4 set pd_whichapi 4 pd init /Users/megrimm 0 8 4 11 9 6 12 10 6 12 12 7 16 14 8 17 16 8 19 18 10 22 24 13 28 30 17 37 36 20 44; verbose(5): Using /Users/megrimm/Desktop/PD/zext/source/Pd-0.43.1-extended/packages/darwin_app/build/ as startup.
pd autopatch 0;
pd autopatch 0;
pd autopatch 0;
pd filename Untitled-1 /Users/megrimm;
#N canvas;
#X pop 1; pdtk_canvas_new .x1002361f0 450 300 +0+22 1 pdtk_canvas_setparents .x1002361f0 pdtk_canvas_reflecttitle .x1002361f0 {/Users/megrimm} {Untitled-1} {} 0 ::pd_menus::update_window_menu
.x1002361f0 setbounds 0 22 450 322;
pd autopatch 0;
.x1002361f0 map 1; pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x1002361f0.c Oct 24 14:38:59 megrimm-mbp.local Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111024[11578] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSRegisterCursorWithImages: Invalid hot spot (outside of size) Oct 24 14:38:59 megrimm-mbp.local Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111024[11578] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
.x1002361f0 motion 150.0 -1.0 0; .x1002361f0 configure -cursor $cursor_editmode_nothing
.x1002361f0 motion 151.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 152.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 153.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 155.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 156.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 158.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 160.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 163.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 164.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 165.0 -1.0 0;
.x1002361f0 setbounds 601 325 1051 625;
.x1002361f0 setbounds 581 413 1031 713;
.x1002361f0 setbounds 582 413 1032 713;
pd autopatch 0;
.x1002361f0 obj 0; pdtk_canvas_editmode .x1002361f0 1 .x1002361f0.c create polygon 162 -4 184 -4 184 12 162 12 162 -4 -dash
.x1002361f0.t101825040R obj] .x1002361f0.c raise cord pdtk_text_new .x1002361f0.c {.x1002361f0.t101825040 obj text} 164.000000 -1.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t101825040 -fill $select_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t101825040R -outline $select_color pdtk_text_editing .x1002361f0 .x1002361f0.t101825040 1 pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101825040 { } .x1002361f0.c select clear .x1002361f0.c icursor .x1002361f0.t101825040 0 .x1002361f0.c focus .x1002361f0.t101825040
.x1002361f0 key 1 109 0; pdtk_undomenu .x1002361f0 typing no pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101825040 {m } .x1002361f0.c select clear .x1002361f0.c icursor .x1002361f0.t101825040 1 .x1002361f0.c focus .x1002361f0.t101825040 pdtk_canvas_reflecttitle .x1002361f0 {/Users/megrimm} {Untitled-1} {} 1
.x1002361f0 key 0 109 0;
.x1002361f0 key 1 101 0; pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101825040 {me } .x1002361f0.c select clear .x1002361f0.c icursor .x1002361f0.t101825040 2 .x1002361f0.c focus .x1002361f0.t101825040
.x1002361f0 key 0 101 0;
.x1002361f0 key 1 116 0; pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101825040 {met} .x1002361f0.c select clear .x1002361f0.c icursor .x1002361f0.t101825040 3 .x1002361f0.c focus .x1002361f0.t101825040
.x1002361f0 key 0 116 0;
.x1002361f0 key 1 114 0; pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101825040 {metr} .x1002361f0.c coords .x1002361f0.t101825040R 162 -4 190 -4 190 12 162 12 162 -4 .x1002361f0.c select clear .x1002361f0.c icursor .x1002361f0.t101825040 4 .x1002361f0.c focus .x1002361f0.t101825040
.x1002361f0 key 0 114 0;
.x1002361f0 key 1 111 0; pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101825040 {metro} .x1002361f0.c coords .x1002361f0.t101825040R 162 -4 196 -4 196 12 162 12 162 -4 .x1002361f0.c select clear .x1002361f0.c icursor .x1002361f0.t101825040 5 .x1002361f0.c focus .x1002361f0.t101825040
.x1002361f0 key 0 111 0;
.x1002361f0 mouse 189.0 47.0 1 0; pdtk_text_editing .x1002361f0 {} 0 pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101825040 {metro} .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t101825040 -fill $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t101825040R -outline $dash_outline .x1002361f0.c delete .x1002361f0.t101825040R .x1002361f0.c delete .x1002361f0.t101825040 metro error: ... couldn't create .x1002361f0.c create polygon 162 -4 196 -4 196 12 162 12 162 -4 -dash
.x1002361f0.t10182cb10R obj] .x1002361f0.c raise cord pdtk_text_new .x1002361f0.c {.x1002361f0.t10182cb10 obj text} 164.000000 -1.000000 {metro} 10 $text_color .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 189 47 189 47 -tags x
.x1002361f0 mouseup 189.0 47.0 1; .x1002361f0.c delete x
.x1002361f0 motion 186.0 47.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 166.0 36.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 137.0 19.0 0;
.x1002361f0 obj 0; pdtk_canvas_editmode .x1002361f0 1 .x1002361f0.c create polygon 134 16 156 16 156 32 134 32 134 16 -dash
.x1002361f0.t101a022c0R obj] .x1002361f0.c raise cord pdtk_text_new .x1002361f0.c {.x1002361f0.t101a022c0 obj text} 136.000000 19.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t101a022c0 -fill $select_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t101a022c0R -outline $select_color pdtk_text_editing .x1002361f0 .x1002361f0.t101a022c0 1 pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101a022c0 { } .x1002361f0.c select clear .x1002361f0.c icursor .x1002361f0.t101a022c0 0 .x1002361f0.c focus .x1002361f0.t101a022c0
.x1002361f0 mouse 146.0 51.0 1 0; pdtk_text_editing .x1002361f0 {} 0 pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t101a022c0 { } .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t101a022c0 -fill $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t101a022c0R -outline $dash_outline .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 146 51 146 51 -tags x
.x1002361f0 mouseup 146.0 51.0 1; .x1002361f0.c delete x
.x1002361f0 motion 141.0 47.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 125.0 35.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 101.0 13.0 0;
.x1002361f0 msg 0; pdtk_canvas_editmode .x1002361f0 1 .x1002361f0.c create polygon 98 10 124 10 120 14 120 22 124 26 98 26 98 10 -outline $box_outline -fill $msg_box_fill -tags [list .x1002361f0.t10182cc10R msg] .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 98 24 105 26 -fill $msg_nlet -outline $msg_cord -tags [list .x1002361f0.t10182cc10o0 outlet] .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 98 10 105 12 -fill $msg_nlet -outline $msg_cord -tags [list .x1002361f0.t10182cc10i0 inlet] .x1002361f0.c raise cord pdtk_text_new .x1002361f0.c {.x1002361f0.t10182cc10 msg text} 100.000000 13.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t10182cc10 -fill $select_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t10182cc10R -outline $select_color pdtk_text_editing .x1002361f0 .x1002361f0.t10182cc10 1 pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t10182cc10 { } .x1002361f0.c select clear .x1002361f0.c icursor .x1002361f0.t10182cc10 0 .x1002361f0.c focus .x1002361f0.t10182cc10
.x1002361f0 mouse 118.0 84.0 1 0; pdtk_text_editing .x1002361f0 {} 0 pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t10182cc10 { } .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t10182cc10 -fill $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t10182cc10R -outline $box_outline .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 118 84 118 84 -tags x
.x1002361f0 mouseup 118.0 84.0 1; .x1002361f0.c delete x
.x1002361f0 motion 116.0 80.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 112.0 77.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 98.0 60.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 66.0 25.0 0;
.x1002361f0 floatatom 0; pdtk_canvas_editmode .x1002361f0 1 pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t10182cd40 {0} .x1002361f0.c coords .x1002361f0.t10182cd40R 63 22 90 22 95 27 95 37 63 37 63 22 .x1002361f0.c coords .x1002361f0.t10182cd40o0 63 35 70 37 .x1002361f0.c coords .x1002361f0.t10182cd40i0 63 22 70 24 .x1002361f0.c create polygon 63 22 90 22 95 27 95 37 63 37 63 22 -outline $box_outline -fill $atom_box_fill -tags [list .x1002361f0.t10182cd40R atom] .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 63 35 70 37 -fill $msg_nlet -outline $msg_cord -tags [list .x1002361f0.t10182cd40o0 outlet] .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 63 22 70 24 -fill $msg_nlet -outline $msg_cord -tags [list .x1002361f0.t10182cd40i0 inlet] .x1002361f0.c raise cord pdtk_text_new .x1002361f0.c {.x1002361f0.t10182cd40 atom text} 65.000000 25.000000 {0} 10 $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t10182cd40 -fill $select_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t10182cd40R -outline $select_color
.x1002361f0 mouse 108.0 59.0 1 0; .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t10182cd40 -fill $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t10182cd40R -outline $box_outline .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 108 59 108 59 -tags x
.x1002361f0 mouseup 108.0 59.0 1; .x1002361f0.c delete x
.x1002361f0 motion 108.0 57.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 87.0 38.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 66.0 17.0 0;
.x1002361f0 symbolatom 0; pdtk_canvas_editmode .x1002361f0 1 pdtk_text_set .x1002361f0.c .x1002361f0.t100236600 {symbol} .x1002361f0.c coords .x1002361f0.t100236600R 63 14 120 14 125 19 125 29 63 29 63 14 .x1002361f0.c coords .x1002361f0.t100236600o0 63 27 70 29 .x1002361f0.c coords .x1002361f0.t100236600i0 63 14 70 16 .x1002361f0.c create polygon 63 14 120 14 125 19 125 29 63 29 63 14 -outline $box_outline -fill $atom_box_fill -tags [list .x1002361f0.t100236600R atom] .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 63 27 70 29 -fill $msg_nlet -outline $msg_cord -tags [list .x1002361f0.t100236600o0 outlet] .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 63 14 70 16 -fill $msg_nlet -outline $msg_cord -tags [list .x1002361f0.t100236600i0 inlet] .x1002361f0.c raise cord pdtk_text_new .x1002361f0.c {.x1002361f0.t100236600 atom text} 65.000000 17.000000 {symbol} 10 $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t100236600 -fill $select_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t100236600R -outline $select_color
.x1002361f0 mouse 110.0 92.0 1 0; .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t100236600 -fill $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t100236600R -outline $box_outline .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 110 92 110 92 -tags x
.x1002361f0 mouseup 110.0 92.0 1; .x1002361f0.c delete x
.x1002361f0 motion 104.0 88.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 95.0 81.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 57.0 48.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 27.0 22.0 0;
.x1002361f0 text 0; pdtk_canvas_editmode .x1002361f0 1 .x1002361f0.c raise cord pdtk_text_new .x1002361f0.c {.x1002361f0.t100236580 text text} 28.000000 24.000000 {comment} 10 $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t100236580 -fill $select_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t100236580R -outline $select_color
.x1002361f0 mouse 80.0 83.0 1 0; .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t100236580 -fill $text_color .x1002361f0.c itemconfigure .x1002361f0.t100236580R -outline $dash_outline .x1002361f0.c create rectangle 80 83 80 83 -tags x
.x1002361f0 mouseup 80.0 83.0 1; .x1002361f0.c delete x
.x1002361f0 motion 78.0 82.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 65.0 72.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 41.0 53.0 0;
.x1002361f0 motion 8.0 30.0 0; Oct 24 14:40:51 megrimm-mbp.local Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111024[11578] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSRegisterCursorWithImages: Invalid hot spot (outside of size) Oct 24 14:40:51 megrimm-mbp.local Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111024[11578] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSRegisterCursorWithImages: Invalid hot spot (outside of size) Oct 24 14:40:51 megrimm-mbp.local Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111024[11578] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSRegisterCursorWithImages: Invalid hot spot (outside of size)
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Oct 24, 2011, at 1:00 PM, m.e.grimm wrote:
if you have Fink installed.
i do
Then it should be easy to run the auto-build script to get a full build of Pd-extended, as long as you have all of the dependencies installed from Fink.
As long as you don't have the Tcl.framework and Tk.framework in /Library/Frameworks, it should use the built-in ones.
These were not there.... should they have been?
If you are on 10.6 or 10.7, then Tcl.framework and Tk.framework using Tk/Cocoa are included with Mac OS X, so they'll be in /System/Library/Frameworks. The build system will look in /Library/Frameworks first, so to test using the built-in Tk/Cocoa, make sure Tcl.framework and Tk.framework are not in /Library/Frameworks.
For building a Pd-extended without the libraries, get the whole source via rsync, if you don't have it already, then do:
cd pd-extended/packages/darwin_app make darwin_app_core
yes. done.
Then you'll have a barebones Pd-extended in pd-extended/packages/darwin_app/build.
k. built. how do i tell thats it is using Tk/Cocoa?
If you are on 10.6 or 10.7 and there are no Tcl.framework and Tk.framework in /Library/Frameworks. Also, you'll probably see a menu called "Apple" on the menubar, that was a bug previously that probably has not been fixed. Or maybe two "Help" menus.
the app package itself when click says i can not open being "damaged or incomplete"
from terminal: megrimm-mbp:darwin_app megrimm$
/Users/megrimm/Desktop/pd-extended/packages/darwin_app/build/ Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server socket jack server is not running or cannot be started Pt_Start() called Oct 24 12:59:41 megrimm-mbp.local Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111024[5884] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSRegisterCursorWithImages: Invalid hot spot (outside of size) Oct 24 12:59:41 megrimm-mbp.local Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111024[5884] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
that tell you anything?
Try running it like this:
/Users/megrimm/Desktop/pd-extended/packages/darwin_app/build/ -stderr -d 3
And that will tell us a lot more.
On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Oct 24, 2011, at 10:47 AM, m.e.grimm wrote:
Basically, if you build Pd vanilla or Pd-extended on Mac OS X Snow Leopard or Lion withOUT installing Tcl/Tk, you'll be using Tk/Cocoa.
ok... how might i do this?
just a quick && ./configure && make from the pd-extended git repo sees to build ok. is there something i need to alter to build "withOUT installing Tcl/Tk"?
You could run the whole autobuild, if you have Fink installed. As long as you don't have the Tcl.framework and Tk.framework in /Library/Frameworks, it should use the built-in ones.
For building a Pd-extended without the libraries, get the whole source via rsync, if you don't have it already, then do:
cd pd-extended/packages/darwin_app make darwin_app_core
Then you'll have a barebones Pd-extended in pd-extended/packages/darwin_app/build.
On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Oct 22, 2011, at 11:47 AM, m.e.grimm wrote:
hey hans,
just tried drag n' drop plug on windows. too bad we dont use windows here.
just checking status of tkdnd-plugin.tcl on OSX.
Funny enough, drag-n-drop was easiest to implement on Windows. For Mac OS X, it requires Tk/Cocoa, which Pd-extended doesn't fully support yet. That is the future, so that would be a great project for someone to take on. Basically, if you build Pd vanilla or Pd-extended on Mac OS X Snow Leopard or Lion withOUT installing Tcl/Tk, you'll be using Tk/Cocoa. Then you can find the bugs, report them, and even fix them :) If someone did a survey of how many bugs there are, and finds that there aren't many, I could be convinced to make Pd-extended 0.43 use Tk/Cocoa. My time for working on this Pd-extended release is quickly running out.
also.... did i miss something? Gem builds not on 10.5 extended autobuilds?
just noticed.
Gem will be included, I'm just waiting to hear from IOhannes on his plans for Gem development. It wasn't building on Mac OS X 10.5, that's why I removed it.
News is what people want to keep hidden and everything else is publicity. - Bill Moyers
-- ____________________ m.e.grimm | m.f.a | ed.m. | 315.378.2136 _________________________________
"A cellphone to me is just an opportunity to be irritated wherever you are."
- Linus Torvalds
-- ____________________ m.e.grimm | m.f.a | ed.m. | 315.378.2136 _________________________________
I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone." --Bjarne Stroustrup (creator of C++)