Olivier Heinry wrote:
On the other end, if you already run a webserver, you coudl add a bind9 server as a secondary domain name server. It runs fine with Apache or nginx running a web interface : http://www.afn.org/~afn23397/ or Webmin (in the Debian rep but fat) See http://www.debianadmin.com/bind-dns-server-web-interfacefrontend-or-gui-tool...
In that case, you wouldn't need anything else than DHCP clients.
No, because at your option:
And Pierre mentionned he knows only a little about networks. Would you recommand bind to a beginner, you BOFH :) ?
If I understand well what Pierre wanted in the first place, the idea is to come anywhere, plug the web server, and shout "go to" (or http://mymobilewebserver.local/ if using zeroconf).