Andre Schmidt wrote:
sorry that i have so many questions but my first audio project is evolving so fast that my PD knowledge can't keep up :)
so, whats the best way to make a sequencer ?
(attachment[26kb] is a snapshot of my sequencer GUI... slider,toggle,number,dial)[it runs from left to right]
is PDs table(S!) "fast" enough or is there an good external ?
normally they are just fast and fine and everything
a counter plays from 1 to 32 and "reads" the tableA1, if tableA1[xy]=1 then tableA2 is sending his value to xgroove as [pos]...
the question could be: which is faster (for performance)?
what hardware are you using ??
i remember the old days, when i did a simple sampler with automatic pitch-shifting (so samples would be "in tune") et bla bla with, say, 20 arrays (tabread4~ which is way more expensive than tabread can ever be (well, i know you could prove me wrong, but this is just braindead) on a pentium-100. the only problem then was this [fiddle~] thing for analysis that neally rendered the patch unusable on that hardware. but NO problem with tables at all ! [fiddle~] now uses near to nothing, do you think the tables have suddenly become hungry ???
do it as you like/can and if the patch turns eat up all the resources (i have used patches with 95%-cpuload on public installations without problems, though i wouldn't recommend this on windos) then(!) think about optimizing. believe me, your tables (or whatever) will not be the problem.
mfg.fsda.dr IOhannes