*I have this common situation:* I have an abstraction which has a parameter control visible to the parent via graph-on-parent. Let's call the parameter $0-FOO
I want the user to be able to adjust the control via the GUI. I also want to be able to drive $0-FOO via an inlet or a message. And when that happens, I want the knob in the GUI to update and show the current value.
When I set up
[inlet] -> [hsl]
Now the [hsl] cannot be moved via the GUI. I am trying to find a way to solve this.
One possible solution is gate the inlet with a [spigot] which would work if I could detect if something was connected to the inlet or not.
*Q1: Is there a way for me to tell, inside an abstraction,*
*whether something is connected to a particular* *[inlet] or [inlet~]?*
*Q2: *Or else *how can I read the output of a control *(e.g., hsl) *and drive it also*? (this sounds like an application for a syncho/servo)
Thanks! BH