Wednesday, April 3, 2002, 9:18:14 PM, you wrote:
what are the "biggest" (performance) differences using PD on windoze or linux i'm (at the moment) mostly interest on audio analyzing and visual creating (GEM)
JS> this largely depends on your sound card, linux is able to get increadably JS> low latencies (under 1ms in the kernel) and is of course much more JS> stable. Miller has added some support ASIO drivers in .35 which means, if JS> your soundcard _has_ ASIO drivers, pretty darned low latencies for windows JS> as well.
may i use this thread to ask once more a very little question ... is there any chance to have one day sysex support for pd win32 versions ?....... T_T
actually i have to create basic midi CC under pd wich are routed to a virtual midi port (midiYoke) and then i have Bome's Midi Translator getting this data into sysex messages to the "real" midi out... it works fine ... but ... well if it could be done with pd only ;) ...