Hi Ed, thanks for that. I have played around with using text files to write co-ordinates to an array. However, what I need is more control of the co-ordinates. In your example, whenever I bang the message to start the animation, the 3D ball jumps back to the start and then replays the animation (obviously!). But is it possible to have each animation start from where the last one finished? Or better still, is it possible to manipulate the co-ordinates dynamically? For example, if I record movement which gives me three 'points' within the frame, can I write this to a table then apply it to an animation?
I can see how the table arrays work (roughly!), but I want to be able to manipulate the arrays based on user input (mouse, motion sensor etc). Does this make sense?
Thanks again for all your time, the PD community in generally has been really helpful, I think I'm just a few steps from being able to achieve what I need, but when you're new to something, every hurdle's a big one!
Regards Simon
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 4:13 PM, morph_2016@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Hi Simon,
To be honest, I didn't really understand your question at first. It pays to be clear - but I sometimes don't get an answer from the list either. If you make it clear early on that your question is about a specific object - perhaps in the subject line of your email, it may get a better response.
You must realise that everything is just a way of storing and transmitting data - numbers and symbols. The co-ordinates you store in the array for splinepath are (floating point number) co-ordinates in the three-dimensional space of the gemwin. So the start and endpoints for your animations are specified by the first set of 3 co-ordinates and the last set of 3 co-ordinates. The co-ordinates in GEM are relative to the centre of the space, so X=0, Y=0, Z=0 sent into a translateXYZ object will send another object (sphere, cube, rectangle etc) to the centre of the gem window. This is why the ball is always at the right-top-front corner of the example I sent you - because the numbers sent into the translateXYZ object are all positive. Change the 40 to -40 in the attached PD patch.
A word about arrays: an array is just a list of numbers really. Although it is displayed as a graph in PD, the input to [splinepath 3] takes three numbers from the array at a time, so the one-dimensional graph view in PD is quite useless for visualizing this. If the first set of co-ordinates is set to -1, -1, -1, the graph of the array will display this as a straight line, whereas in fact it is a single point in three dimensional space. So whereas a graph or a list of the array contents might show: -1,-1,-1,0,1,-0.5,2,2,0 the actual structure being read by the [spline_path] object is: Point A: X=-1, Y=-1, Z=-1 Point B: X=0, Y=1, Z=-0.5 Point C: X=2, Y=2, Z=0
Best of luck with it, Ed
--- On Fri, 1/5/09, Simon Ball sballmada@googlemail.com wrote:
From: Simon Ball sballmada@googlemail.com Subject: Re: A question... To: "Ed Kelly" morph_2016@yahoo.co.uk Date: Friday, 1 May, 2009, 10:12 AM Thanks Ed, that's definitely given me a clearer view of what spline path does, I certainly have more control now than I did previously. Is there a way to get more precise information to the table arrays, such as defining start and end points for the animation?
I have put the question to the list, but I haven't had a response. Perhaps my e-mails are not getting through, but I imagine its either because people are bored of my questions or there is some obvious documentation that I'm missing. Are there any walk through's/tutorials on this kind of animation in GEM?
Thanks again for your help, I think Andy is planning to get you in for another workshop at some point, which would be really useful. I've been getting more into PD so have a vast array of questions and should have a better understanding of the answers of the answers you give!
Thanks again mate Simon
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Ed Kelly morph_2016@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Hi Simon...
Apologies for the late reply. It is my understanding that [spline_path] interpolates between points in a table. These are read out in multiples, when a number between 0 and 1 is sent into the first inlet corresponding to the position in the table.
These are at this stage just numbers. If they are sent to a translateXYZ object then they become position co-ordinates, or if they are sent to a rotateXYZ object they become rotation values in degrees.
Since spline_path reads from a table, the values should be stored as triples: x, y and z co-ordinate values can be manipulated by tabwrite objects as long as they are input to the table in series (for each point x, then y, then z). Or if you just want to work in two dimensions, x and y co-ordinates stored as pairs will work. The table size must be divisible by the dimensions, so a multiple of 3 for xyz co-ords etc. The output is a smoothed (spline) curve - a spline path through n-dimensions.
Have a look at this example. one of the spline_path objects controls a sphere's position, whereas the other controls its rotation.
Hope this helps!
Lone Shark: Synchromatic: Out December 1st 2008
Also available through the iTunes store
--- On Tue, 21/4/09, Simon Ball sballmada@googlemail.com wrote:
From: Simon Ball sballmada@googlemail.com
Subject: A question...
To: "Ed Kelly" morph_2016@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Tuesday, 21 April, 2009, 12:45 PM
Hi Ed
Simon from digital arts here, I was hoping you might
able to help with a question that I put to the list
received no answer for. I think they might be getting
of my inability to keep up with their answers! Or
likely, the answers are easy to find but I'm not
finding them...
Hi list
I'm trying to understand how tables/arrays work
animations. As far as I can see, I can place a set of
coordinates in
text file and then use an array to apply this to
in a scene. I
have been looking at various examples, notably
[splinepath], which uses
[line] to govern the length and speed of the
However, I'm
struggling to understand the exact relationship
between the
co-ordinates written in the text file and what
happens to an
image when rendered. Sometimes I change the numbers
and the
stays the same, other times it appears erratic.
I'm trying to trigger animations so that they
float and
rotate into
place. If anyone has any ideas on the best way to
this, or can
direct me to some useful help files, I would really
appreciate it. I
was looking at a pdf that was packaged with
'GemPrimer'. The documentation was clear and
insightful for someone of
my level (beginner!) and hoping there might more files
this one...
Mac OSX Intel Core Duo 10.4.11. PD-Extended 0.40.3.
Basically, I'm trying to acheive this...
Where the silouettes represent people moving in front
the screen, the animations kind of mimic their
movement. Any
suggestions would be most useful.
Hope this isn't too much trouble.
MA Digital Art