BTW, I have a dream which is that the console is tabbed, and the default tab displays system messages, while for each [print PREFIX] a new tab is opened. That way messages get separated by PREFIX. It's just a silly dream, forget it ;op
Tabs in the Pd window would be very nice indeed. Someone just needs to code it. :-D .hc
I made up the tabs, but I don't want to brute-regex every message so I need to catch where [print] generates user-made messages.
OK... It seems it is well buried in the C side. If I'm right, user messages are composed by print_anything() in x_interface.c which gives post() a single string which calls dopost() which finally calls pdtk_post in pdwindows.tcl. I see no much chance to supply additional information to the tcl side, do you?
-- Muranyi Andras