Hi all, this is at the top of my do-list, should have it fixed sometime this weekend...
cheers Miller
On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 10:13:27AM -0500, ppagano@bellsouth.net wrote:
Hi Folks
I was wondering how i can get read/write working for the /dev/dsp It seems everything up to 32pl-1 opens in read/write mode whilst the new 35 series will only open /dev/dsp in readonly or writeonly it does find a midi input device now though :-). Its not that i use both read/write constantly as quite often i am sending sound out mostly, but my question is what has changed since 32 that refuses to re-open the dsp?
Cheers Pat
p.s. I know we covered this but can someone walk me through a .pdrc setup again.