daniel kosenko a écrit :
My experiences with Linux were just too difficult and have discouraged me
too easy to say...things just take their time...
However I'd be very happy if that Pure:Dyne CD gets released and I could have an instant operating system ready for PD and audio...
i encourage you to try demudi http://demudi.agnula.org/ (i love to say that). if you've got a god machine, "PD and audio" on demudi really pull some teeth. (love to say that too)
Funny, cause I was just thinking tonight about doing a switch to Demudi and/or Fedora+Planet Ccrma. I thus actually have a few questions, cause I began comparing the two "distribs" (but didn't went to the end actually ;) ) and what I figured out is that Demudi clearly has more software (in number) and also more developping tools apparently (all the lib*** stuff) but there actually is some software in Ccrma that is not in Demudi. Stop me if I am wrong ... So, my question would be, is it possible to add the lacking soft from Ccrma to Demudi and if not (because Ccrma relies on Redhat/Fedora), is it possible with Remudi ? But is Remudi still alive (cause I didn't find any link on Agnula - but I must admit I didn't search really long ...) ?
Thx for replying to this 10 in 1 question ;)