Thanks. [Until] fixes all problems.
On Mar 6, 2007, at 10:52 AM, marius schebella wrote:
hi david, don't know why the error occurs, but maybe you could use the
[until] object to solve it.[bang( [r bang when msgfile printout is finished] | / [until] | [msgfile] |
[print] [send bang to right inlet of until when finished]marius.
David F. Place wrote:
Recently, I sent a message complaining about the behavior of
[textfile]. I learned about [msgfile] in the zexy library and
thought it would solve my problems, but it has not. I have distilled my complaints in the attached patch. 1.)
[textfile] blows the stack on too low a number. The stack should
be bigger. ...or maybe a startup option for Pd. 2.) [msgfile] doesn't seem to work at all when you barrage it
with consecutive bangs. Cheers, David
--o-------o-o-o---o-o-o--- David F. Place