On Mon, 2018-01-29 at 10:25 +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
I'm working on a patch that transmits audio through UDP. The patch runs totally smooth on macOS (10.10 and 10.11) with Pd 0.48-1 and JACK as back-end. On the Linux machines I tested (all Ubuntu 16.04) with the same version of Pd I get a lot of glitches, although I'm using very similar Jack settings (128 frames/period, 3 periods).
Update: My personal, somewhat outdated laptop from 2007 has absolutely stable performance with same patch, same Pd version, same OS, same kernel. To be clear: It's only Pd that performs well on one computer and not so well on others. I get glitch-free audio with Ardour on all tested computers. So I wonder what circumstances affect specifically Pd. It's a pity the most powerful computer I have access to is in its current state not suitable for Pd projects :-(