Okay, this is another problem, which wasn't clear from what you wrote in the first mail. "sync-waende-vertikal-send" is not what the toggle receives, it's what it sends. So the problem is a mysterious 1 that gets send, and it seems to get send by the toggle, as that's the only
Forget what I wrote, I'm an idiot. *Of course* something gets sent, because it has to, when the tgl is clicked! Duh, brain mashed.
so what is wrong with a toggle sending things ? even though tim does not want to hear an explanation of toggle, i will give one here (just to clearify things)
if you send a float ("1") to a toggle via it's inlet, it will set it's state and send out the float to the outlet + to the send-label if you send "set 1" to a toggle, it will set its state and stop.
if you send a float to a toggle via a *receive*, it will set it's state and send out the float (to the outlet AND) to the send-label.
there is one (1) exception: if the send-label equals the receive-label the output is supressed (to avoid loops)
a "1" *is* sent to the "mitte"-button (as explained in the other mail), and it reacts accordingly.
mfg.asd.r IOhannes