Em seg., 28 de nov. de 2022 às 05:05, Roman Haefeli reduzent@gmail.com escreveu:
On Mon, 2022-11-28 at 02:58 -0300, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
For the record, I just realized default colors of iemguis is not "pure
white" (...)
it is "FCFCFC" (...) This is not a regression, it's the same in pd 0.48,
I don't know why or where that happens in the code
I haven't checked the code, but the old encoding allowed for only 6 bits per channel. Assuming the two least significant bits are set to 0, FC is the highest value possible in that scheme
0xFC = 0b1111 1100
It's much simpler than that. Default color is explicitly set and defined as "0xFCFCFC" in g_all_guis.c, more specifically here:
default "front" and "label" colors are also set there as black.
[cnv] has different default colors specified in its code (0xE0E0E0 for background and 0x404040 for label);