= 1 prtklr l!f 4rm = getting sound out of Pd
zvrl monthz pr!or u!th d!zt
that's the first I've heard of anyone getting sound out of Pd on a Mac!
4. Monkey around at random. (that's where I usually end up.)
human around at rand.om. !f du = kan pro.ov !t = prprd 2 akzept
C - v | *|1 - C C - v | *|1 - C - o | *|. - - o | *|. - - | *|1 - | *|1 - z | *|6 - z | *|6 - ! | *|. - ! | *|. 1- *|2 1- *|2 - w | *|2 1 - w | *|2 1
| |
| |
[p-un_kT-pr_o-T*k_oL] * f * * * 3 | | herausgegeben v*m !nternat!onalen !nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n hTtp://m9ndfukc.com