Alex, I went back and re-read the entire thread. It explained it all. I have followed your instructions except the last items.
I opened terminal and tried to "cd" over to the new "/pd/usr/" directory. I receive the response: No such file or directory. Did you mean pd/src/? There is a "configure" in there. I assumed that you meant pd/src/ so, I ran the ./configure and make from pd/src/.
I still must supply command line flags to get it to work with my Fastlane 2X2 (USB MIDI).
So, I typed the following at the command line: % ./pd -midiindev 0,1 -midioutdev 2,3 using default input device number: 0 using default output device number: 2 nchan 2, flags 3, bufs 8, framesperbuf 256 PortAudio on OS X - Latency = 2048 frames, 46 msec
I can now send and receive MIDI from either port of my Fastlane. MIDI
channels 1-16 come from portA and MIDI channels 17-33 come from portB.
Just like it should.
On the audio front. If I use the Built-in Audio controller, everything is fine. If, however, I try to use my Mbox things do not go well. It appears to only have 1 in and 1 out
./pd -listdev Number of devices = 4 ---------------------------------------------- #1 DefaultInput Name = Built-in audio controller Max Inputs = 2, Max Outputs = 0 Sample Rates = 44100.00, Native Sample Formats = paFloat32, ---------------------------------------------- #2 Name = Digidesign HW ( MBox ) Max Inputs = 1, Max Outputs = 0 Sample Rates = 44100.00, 48000.00, Native Sample Formats = paFloat32, ---------------------------------------------- #3 DefaultOutput Name = Built-in audio controller Max Inputs = 0, Max Outputs = 2 Sample Rates = 44100.00, Native Sample Formats = paFloat32, ---------------------------------------------- #4 Name = Digidesign HW ( MBox ) Max Inputs = 0, Max Outputs = 1 Sample Rates = 44100.00, 48000.00, Native Sample Formats = paFloat32,
When I try to tell pd that it has 2 channels, like this: % ./pd -inchannels 2 -outchannels 2 -audioindev 2 -audiooutdev 4 -nomidi nchan 2, flags 3, bufs 8, framesperbuf 256 PortAudio on OS X - Latency = 2048 frames, 46 msec Error number -9999 occured opening portaudio stream Error message: Invalid number of channels.
I am unsure of the meaning of the error message Error number -9999
If I lie to pd and tell it that the Mbox has only one channel: % ./pd -inchannels 1 -outchannels 1 -audioindev 2 -audiooutdev 4 -nomidi nchan 1, flags 3, bufs 8, framesperbuf 256 PortAudio on OS X - Latency = 2048 frames, 46 msec
I can send and receive audio on one channel in and out. I wonder if this is a problem with the Mbox's coreaudio driver.
Thanks again Alex, I really appreciate your helping me with this. Mitch
On Monday, April 21, 2003, at 04:43 PM, Alex wrote:
If you take that thread from the top everything has been explained. Here again, the installer from adam is good but a newly updated version of portaudio has been released that solves problems similar to yours. So you need to re-compile pd, for that get an 'extended2' tree of pd, there: -replace your old pd directory with that new one (it is recommended to put pd directory under /usr/local/) -then donwload the source of the latest release of portaudio, there: -inside the portaudio directory(the one you have downloaded), there is a 'pa_mac_core' directory and inside there is the file 'pa_mac_core.c'. Replace that file inside the portaudio directory of pd and only that file. -then you need to create yourself two directory inside pd directory 'bin' and 'obj'. -finally go to your console cd under /pd/usr/ and do ./configure and make.
let me know. Alex
On Monday, April 21, 2003, at 08:58 pm, Mitchell Turner wrote:
Alex, I have not re-complied any part of PD. I got the Adam Lindsay distribution. So what ever it has, I have. Where can I get portaudio and how do I re-compile pd with it? I do not think that I have any of the source code for PD. I am keeping all of my pd stuff in: ~/pd I do have some source files in: ~/pd/portaudio I'd be interested to know what needs re-compiling and where to get it. Thanks, Mitch
On Monday, April 21, 2003, at 03:29 PM, Alex wrote:
Hi Mitch,
This is exactely the same symptom I had with the Hammerfall and some other people with some other sound card. That has been solved with the new version of portaudio, are you sure you have recompilled pd with it ?
Alex On Monday, April 21, 2003, at 06:00 pm, Mitchell Turner wrote:
Which seems to indicate that the Mbox has 1 in and 1 out (at least that is how I read it). I may be interpreting the returned data incorrectly, however. Mitch
Mitchell Turner, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Music LaGrange College 601 Broad Street LaGrange, GA 30240 USA
Office: 706-880-8015 FAX: 706-880-8028