I also think that segmented patch cords and a way to know what each inlet/outlet stands for should have a higher priority than moving to another gui toolkit. Adding the option to group-assign color to message/object/number boxes should not be too difficult and probably would help readability.
::: sam :::
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 23:52:36 -0500 From: Michal Seta mis@creazone.32k.org Subject: Re: [PD] about pd's gui To: pd-list@iem.at
On Sat, 2003-11-22 at 19:46, Jerome Etienne wrote:
pd is a graphical language, so a nice gui isn't a luxury.
Isn't adding 'niceties' to existing, working products a luxury?
it provide good readability, which improve the developpement time and even more the maintenance time.
I don't think that 'nice' will accomplish the above. But I would opt for more functional. Segmented patch cords would be welcome (although I have learnt to live with the way they are now) and inlet/outlet hints would be a nice aid. I don't see the need to put a lot effort into porting the gui into some fashionable graphical toolkit. Adding some resources should probably be easier and more intelligent.
As per GUI frontends to patches, the possibilities are already there: GriPD, python extern (and through python you can use wxWindows, QT, GTK, SDL, tk, etc), and, of course, writing a separate frontend in _any_ language and communicating via tcp/ip or OSC, or MIDI.