On Nov 4, 2005, at 10:41 AM, dafydd hughes wrote:
These look great. Can we show them to the folks here at InterAccess?
All code that I write is GNU GPL'd, including Pd patches, so do
whatever you want as long as you share your modifications.
Also, I started a series of basic Digital Audio/Pd tuts, and I'd love
feedback on what I have so far, and to see if anybody would find them
useful (drafts, not final product!):
These are quite nice, very good interactive + visual examples. I have
a couple of comments:
elements for all Pd docs and tutorials. There is a patch that I
started with this idea in mind, I view it as a wiki, so people should
add more standard elements to it: (in CVS)
essential elements to illustrate the principal should be on screen.
That way it makes the overall page look much less intimidating. The
idea is to have each patch as simple as possible so that its very
approachable. Then, if people are curious, they can open the guts.
least, maybe even 640x480. Pd can run on old computers, which may be
in use in many parts of the world. Ideally, the Pd tutorials would be
visible on a computer than can run Pd.
I posted some content to the wiki that Ben started a while back:
I think this should be the center of this discussion so we all can keep
track of things.
cheers dafydd
On 4-Nov-05, at 8:41 AM, B. Bogart wrote:
Hey HC,
Should we make another wiki page to collect these?
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
So I just added some more sketches for the Pd intro tutorials. They
are attached. If anyone feels like trying to capture core concepts of
Pd in clever little patches, please post them here so they can be gathered into a coherent tutorial.hc _____________________________________________________________________ ___ ____
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three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
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