cyrille henry wrote:
so i prefer starting pd with a script that stopall unwanted stuff, and start them when i close pd.
so, i made a script like this :
gksudo stop atd gksudo stop cron pasuspender -- pd -noprefs -noautopatch -lib Gem -mididev 1,2,3 -listdev -r 48000 gksudo start atd gksudo start cron
i don't know if is enough, did anyone already made something like this?
my pd startup script has: xset -dpms xset s 0 xset s off exec pdextended -font-size 12 $@
Also see if you can inhibit anacron. I don't remember if it's fired by atd or not (and have neither atd or anacron installed).
Maybe things that does automatic network discovery, such as avahi and cups.