On Son, 2017-09-10 at 23:33 +0200, cyrille henry wrote:
Le 10/09/2017 à 22:34, Roman Haefeli a écrit :
But how can someone use the full window area with the new default mode?
changing the windows perspective!!! (using the perspec message to gemwin, see help file)
Sorry, I don't understand. Maybe I simply don't understand which question this answers.
question : "But how can someone use the full window area with the new default mode?" answer : "changing the windows perspective!!!"
if you create a 200x100 windows, the perspective is set to 16 unit wide an 8 unit high you can change that to have 8x8 unit thanks to messages send to gemwin.
Ah, I see. The old [ortho] made gemwin width always 8 units (not 4 as I said before).
if you render only a rectangle or any flat primitive, then ortho should have no effect. did you try the help patch, or with a square?
I get that, I was using the [rectangle] example only to illustrate the invisible render window of 500x500px.
My initial task that got me into investigating changes in [ortho] is rendering a cylinder that fits exactly into a window of a given size. It was very easy to do in the last Gem release, but I don't seem able to do it with current Gem.
See attached patch (it is rendered as intended only in "old" Gem)
I used a Gem version from few month ago. I don't thik there is any significant change since.
So, all in all :
- if you want a square to be redered as a rectangle (to fit the
windows dimention), you have to change the perspective. (see gemwin help / [pd more viewing])
- ortho used to change the perspective, but that was a bug
- ortho does not have any effect on 2d object rendered at Z=0.
- ortho do have a new bug : it's perspective is not affected by a
windows resizing, so it consider the windows to be 500x500.
Thanks for clarifying.