Has this any security implications?
It's certainly not worse than [pdcontrol] whose "browse" method basically allows to run arbitrary executables. A Pd project could contain a malicious binary (disguised as a WAV file) which is automatically run when you open the main patch - without you ever noticing.
Generally, every single external is a potential security risk since it contains arbitrary code. Maybe [zexy] contains a backdoor for the NSA, who knows?
On 31.08.2021 13:05, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 8/31/21 12:38 PM, Ingo Stock wrote:
Looks great!
Has this any security implications?
sure. if the user is allowed to overwrite "C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe" they could inject malicious code. or delete that file.
however, if they are allowed to overwrite that file, they can already replace it with the contents of a WAV-file to bork the system.
so I don't think there are additional security implications¹.
Could this be used to attack other computers?
*other* computers? no, not really. it provides an interface to your filesystem. unless your filesystem lives on other computers, i don't see how you could impact them.
gfmasdr IOhannes
¹ i wonder whether it would be possible (with Pd>=0.42) to create a patch that creates a gui-plugin on the fly. if this is true, then you can already do everything that [file] allows you to do - and much more.
gfmadsr IOhannes
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