Falk Grieffenhagen.de wrote:
Hi list,
I currently have a little math problem:
I have a wavefront model (see below) which looks a bit like a stick. I want to set the position by 2 points in 3D (beginning and end) instead of one point, rotation , and scale. Any help would be great!!
i would do that in 2 steps: #1: normalize your stick (set length to 1.0, align it to an axis) #2: align the normalized stick to your 2 points
i demonstrated #1 in the attached patch. now the base of the stick is within the origin of the local coordinate system, while the tip is at (1/0/0). now #2 should be fairly simple: [translate] the stick to 1 point and rotate/scale it so that the 2nd point matches the end of the stick. the procedure is in fact the reverse of #1 (but the reference points have changed)
mfg.adsr. IOhannes