when loading a preset all these events causes dropouts. i suppose every state saving system has similar problems.
loading the preset)
samples(experimental) and tables. of corse big tables cause longer dropouts.
*** until here with 1 or 2 patches without tables you shouldn't hear dropouts.
loading a qseq2 preset will create new abstractions and a GUI
containing the steps. that needs time and pd does that in immediately
which leads to a audio dropout.
experience that's better than reading 10 different textfiles at once. if you load a P-ADmin session it first tells creator witch patches should be open by now. if one is missing it will open this instrument. opening different patches at once can cause huge dropouts.
so what can you do? set pd's latency(preferences/audiosettings) to 200ms or even more should help. maybe not for dynamic-created dropouts but probably it'd be enough for table caused dropouts.
we are sometimes running linux, osx and windows with netpd (exactly same patches and data) in the same place and i noticed that performance on win and linux is much better than osx. on osx i usually play without compute audio. there is anyway just one pc connected to the sound system (when we are all in the same place).
if you have 2 pc's you could laod a session on one pc while the other one is running and mix both kind of like a disc-jokey. then you'll have to figure how to synchronize the 2 netpd-systems.
or georg holzmanns threadlib. i suppose that would be the best solution. the possibility to do [; pd open( and [; pd-subpatch obj( in separated threads would be great. i tried it once. [; pd-subpatch obj( i a own thread sounded very strange. maybe there was something wrong with dsp-chain... i hope it's possible to make it work once... i'm saving money that i can afford georg to continue threadlib ;-)
running netpd from a ram-disc might also reduces dropouts. it should be faster to load patches, abstractions and presets.
hope that helped a bit. you probably wont get rid of the dropouts with that.
good luck
On Aug 31, 2006, at 8:53 PM, beau c wrote:
Hello Enrique, I get a lot of audio drop-outs when I change between P-ADmin presets? do you have any advice for me?
On 8/23/06, Enrique Erne pd@mild.ch wrote:
sorry the picture was out of date. current version of P-ADmin has 2 bang rows to load/save presets. (i did like the old GUi better then the current one)
if you type in a new name it stores the current state of all toggled instruments as well as when you use the red bang for an existing preset.
to load a preset and it's instrument click on the green bang (first row)
On Aug 23, 2006, at 7:58 AM, beau c wrote:
Hi List,
Is anyone out there using netpd? I am trying to figure out
when I noticed that the load buttons shown on the picture seem to be missing in the patch that I downloaded? Does anyone have a version that works? or know what the problem could be, and how to fix it.