On 14.02.2014 14:16, Mario Mey wrote:> I made a Multi-FX Looper called "MEH-SYSTEM", posted in PD Forum:
I want to put a license to it. Where should I get information about types of licences?
A starter can be http://choosealicense.com/
I don't think in any restriction... I only would want to know where, when, how and by-who it was used. Only that.
For that, you may need a special license like Postcaredware: http://www.maths.uq.edu.au/~mrb/ostats/license.php
Some other special licenses that are considered Free: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/uganda.html
cu Thomas (who somewhat ironically will continue writing a political article about free software)