Em sáb., 6 de fev. de 2021 às 22:23, bbob fluxmonk@gmail.com escreveu:
pretty obscure, i'm sure, but I have a project using Tom Zicarelli's 32bit pd-rtlsdr library (https://github.com/tkzic/pd-rtlsdr). I've written to Tom a couple times to ask if he's ever thinking about updating it... or if not, if he'd allow someone else to,
And I assume you never got an answer... well, that's probably because this is an abandoned project from 7 years ago and he doesn't care anymore :)
I wouldn't call this "obscure", seems like a nice/useful object, but not a "relevant" one (meaning not "famous" and widely used external/library like the ones from extended)
Anyway, usually people provide the source code with a license that makes it clear what you can do or not, but this repository has NO LICENSE... this is probably because the author didn't care much on how to license it and I bet it's because he doesn't care much about what people will do with it. Licenses are useful to make restrictions, but not allowing one to provide a build for 64 bits would be sort of insane in the open source world.
though I wouldn't have the faintest clue about how to do that myself.
I probably have a better clue than you, but it's not like that means much :) nonetheless, I'll say it's usually not a big deal making it work for 64 bits
I'd write him one last time saying "I'll fork this and distribute, if you have something against it, say it now or never" :)
you can then open a new thread and ask people here for help on making a 64 build for this, I'd help as I can.