Hi there -
Thanks to all for the ideas about parsing! I'm now having trouble getting audio from the microphone on my laptop into PD. When I record a wav file from adc~ as the source rather than osc~, I only get silence. After spending some time muting/unmuting various things in alsamixer, I can't seem to figure out how to tell pd to capture from the microphone (or line-in for that matter). The list of devices in alsamixer that sound promising is big:
(possibly mic-related) ADC Capture Mic Mic Select (Mic1 or Mic2)
(line-in related?) Aux Line
Can someone offer some guidance about how these levels should be set to send audio to PD, and how I tell PD which one I am interested in capturing from? (I'm using ALSA on a IBM Thinkpad, with planet-ccrma-style Redhat 8.0) much appreciated, David Merrill